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10/29 온라인 국제 Symposium 안내: 하이퍼 디지털 연결시대의 새로운 비교문학과 세계문학

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 784

안녕하세요, 한국외대 외국문학연구소입니다.

2025년 한국외대에서 개최될 ICLA-Congress에 앞서 

Pre-Congress Symposium 형태로 개최되는 한국동서비교문학학회 창립 25주년 기념 국제학술대회가 

외국문학연구소, 한국동서비교문학학회, 한국영어영문학회, 동국대 트랜스미디어세계문학연구소/디지털인문학LAB, ICLA(국제비교문학협회), 단국대외국어대학교, 한국연구재단의 공동주최로 아래와 같이 개최됩니다. 

포스터도 첨부하였으니,

많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


하이퍼 디지털 연결시대의 새로운 비교문학과 세계문학번역미디어디지털인문학

'New Comparative Literature and World Literature in the Age of Hyper-Digital Connectivity: Translation, Media, and Digital Humanities'

2022년 10월 29일 오후 3시부터 자정 12시까지 줌과 유튜브로 진행

 * Zoom 

   - Link: https://url.kr/1ztn42
   - ID: 838 8509 5059
   - Passcode: 2022
* 유투브: https://youtu.be/9ePrMZWwIYEY

ICLA 회장 University of London, Goldsmiths의 Lucia Boldrini 교수와 

ICLA의 전회장인 Princeton University의 Sandra Bermann교수의 기조강연을 시작으로 

미국영국오스트리아이태리프랑스덴마크중국인도대만한국 등 

총 11개국 15명이 발표합니다


- Haun Saussy, University of Chicago

“Translation, Adaptation and Repurposing: Where Writers and Scholars Often Diverge”

- Sandra L. Bermann Princeton University

“Translation, Migration and Digital Humanities”

Europe 7: UK3, Denmark, France, Italy, Austria

-Svend Erik Larsen, Aarus University

“Analogical reasoning: the horizontality of world literature”

-Anne Tomiche, University of Paris, Sorbonne

“Comparative Literature and Gender Studies in the Digital Age”

-Massimo Fusillo, University of L'Aquila

“Comparative literature between Intermediality and Digital Age”

-Vladimir Biti, University of Vienna

“Goethe's Weltliteratur as a trauma narrative”

-Paulo Horta, New York University Abu Dhabi

“Unsung Storytellers of World Literature: a history without an archive”

-Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London

“World Literature and Literary Theory: a Reconsideration'

-William J. Spurlin, Brunel University London

“New Forms of Comparative Literature and What It Means to Compare: Comparatively Queer and (Queer) Translation across Borders and in the Digital Age”

-Lucia Boldrini, University of London Goldsmiths,

“The immediacy of distant memory: Literature, photography, journalism, and the representation of destruction”

Asia 5: India, China2, Taiwan, Korea

-Ipshita Chanda, EFLU of Hyderabad, India

“Virtual Alterities : The Ethics of Relation and ‘World’ Literature.”

-Cao Shunqing, Sichuan U

“The Comparative Literary hermeneutics”

-Wang Ning, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

“Digital Humanities in Contemporary Studies of Comparative and World Literature”

-Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, National Taiwan University

“The Last Man: Imagining the Plague”

-Youngmin Kim, Dongguk University/Hangzhou Normal University
'Transductive Reading of Comparative Literature and Digital Humanities'

